He is now almost 6 months old and is the most adorable little boy. Very chilled, calm and so smiley. I did a complete 180degree turn during my pregnancy. Initially I was all for a planned c section, to avoid a long drawn out and painful, labour which I'd endured with my DD. At about 20 weeks I started pregnancy yoga and relished my weekly sessions of stretching and deep breathing and it gave me and hour a week of clear thinking, away from running a household. But it didn't stop my fear of birth so I looked into hypnotherapy, natal hypnotherapy to be precise. I diligently listened to the CDs and read the book and it transformed how I wanted to birth this miracle baby. I decided on and planned a home, water birth, however my unborn son liked being in my womb too much so off to hospital we went. Thankfully though I'm very proud to say I enjoyed my labour which was a very peaceful and beautiful experience shared very memorably with my wonderfully supportive husband. I may write a separate post about the whole birthing decisions as I have become quite evangelical about natalhypnotherapy.
I've reaslied that I've done myself a disservice not writing my blog. While it provoked some harsh comments at times which put me off writing, on the whole it is a wonderful way to document my life, it's a diary to myself really and that's what I need to remember when writing. I've read another ladies blog on and off with a great title "write like no one is watching" and it think that's great advice. And I need to also remember that one of my original objectives of this was to keep my brain ticking over. Too often it s stuffed full of to do lists for all the other members of my family and I need to remember to look after my own to do list. So here's to a renewed vigour when it comes to blog writing. I've certainly got lots of things to document with the excitement of my growing family, with its up days as well as down days.....weaning anyone??
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